Trying to look busy...

Monday, August 01, 2005


Ok, so I have made it two whole months in my new job and I'm still not really sure what's going on. It's not that I'm not a smart guy, but nobody has really explained any process to me. I have been told "what" to do, but never "why." I guess that is up to me to pick up on my own (which I have been doing, but it just seems like I am being kept out of the loop.) I've even had people from other departments call me and ask me why I sent them something or why I did something the way I did. The best answer that I can give them is that's what they told me to do, because even if nobody told me to do that specifically, I had to figure it out on what little information I was given. My telephone training was a joke. She told me to answer by saying "{Dept name} this is {my name}." Then see what the customer wants, take their name and number and tell them I will get somebody to return their call. That was 7 weeks ago and I haven't been told anything since then.
I have a little sheet that they gave me with a few mundane jobs they want done which takes up about 20% of my time. I am very bored.


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