Trying to look busy...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Things I did at work today...

- The network went out for an hour today. Everybody sat around chatting, but since I don't like them, I looked like the busiest guy in the office because I was at my desk.

- Hustled everyone with a Mt Dew for their cap. I wanna win an XBox.

- Successfully blamed a coworker who was not here today for something that nobody even needed to be blamed for.

- No fair! Remember the project that my alwayslate coworker was working on? The one that took her 3 1/2 weeks, but only should have taken 3 days. Well, her and a bunch of her "buddies" that "helped" her on the project are going to be taken out to lunch at a very nice restaurant, and I am not invited. Ooohh I feel like a rant... grrrrrrrrrr..

- Alwayslate was late again - I am considering putting a sign on the outside of my cube that says "Can you believe that this idiot actually shows up to work on time? -Alwayslate."

Ok, a couple of these are a little funny. I didn't do anything else today, did you?


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