Trying to look busy...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

My company has a stupid website.

I always secretly laugh when I get an email from one of my co-workers. In her signature, it says "Find what your looking for... FAST!"

Our website sucks! Nothing is easy to find. Navagation sucks. Layout sucks. Design sucks. The search capabilities suck. Everything about it sucks.

It is neither easy nor fast to find anything on our website. Almost everyday we have customers call and ask us where they can find something on the website. Usually, this ends up being about a 5-10 minute call while we ourselves have to go out to the site and frantically try to find whatever it is they are trying to look up. Don't even try the search function, that will bring back 100 pages of useless crap from 1993. I usually tell customers, "They just restructured some of the site and moved a few things around. I will have to help you look for it."

Our website does have a lot of information on it, but nobody can find it, including the people that work here. Please don't call me asking where you can find information on our site...