Trying to look busy...

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Crazy things you can do to pass the time.

- Pretend that you have a really bad cough, that way, if anybody stops by your desk, you can start a coughing fit and they will leave saying, "Excuse me, I'll come back later."

- Challenge your coworkers to a duo. If they agree, count to three then slap them in the eyeball. If they decline, say 'That's what I thought, Frenchy.'

- When you are outside, look up at the sky and point. People will gather around to see what you are looking at. If they ask, tell them you see a key bird. Play it out. You can say things like 'Can't you see it?' and 'It's right there, in the sky.'

- Make a sign for your car that says Human Organ Transportation - Fresh Organs on Board. That way, traffic will move out of your way and you will be able to get home faster.

- Pile sandbags in front of your cubical door. When the boss walks by duck down behind the sandbags and shout out 'German solders spotted, somebody throw a grenade.'

- Get on a crowded elevator. Pick a floor that somebody has already pushed the button for (lets say 2.) Press the already lit 2 button. Twice. Stand back. Say 'Could somebody push 2 for me?' Then squeeze your way through a couple people and press 2 again. When you get to the second floor, stay on the elevator.

- Instead of pictures of your family, bring pictures of farm animals to work and set them on your desk. If anybody asks, you can tell them that your family is part of the witness protection program and they are living on a farm somewhere in Kansas. The only contact you have had with them in 3 years is these pictures that they have sent you.

- Make a post on your blog telling everybody how smart, good looking and funny I am. Link to my blog and suggest that everyone reads it. Say 'This is grade A, top choice meat, folks.' If you do this, I will include your name and blog on one of my hilarious posts and I have a couple of really good ideas already.

Let me help you out... this goes in the EDIT HTML tab.

<b>Trying to look busy at work?</b>
Check out the <a href="">Trying to look busy blog.</a> The author, lookingbusy, is very smart, very good looking and his blog is hilarious. You need to read it. This is grade A top choice meat, folks. <a href="">You can look busy too!</a>

I am going on a long weekend. I'll be back on Wednesday. I'll see you in the Arch.