Trying to look busy...

Monday, November 28, 2005

Just some things that happend

The other day, Alwayslate's daughter came in for a visit. Let's call her Personal Issues Girl. Another coworker from the next department over walked by and saw Personal Issues Girl at Alwayslate's desk and had to stop by to chat with them and annoy me.

Talk quickly moved to Alwayslate's ex-husband and Personal Issues Girl's father. Apparently he has been sober for 7 months now and they all thought it was just great.

Annoying coworker from other department: "So, [Personal Issues Girl], what about you? How long have you been sober?"
Personal Issues Girl: "A little over 5 months for me."
Annoying coworker from other department: "Wow, that's great."
Personal Issues Girl: "Yeah, but I really miss it."
Annoying coworker from other department: "When I was younger I tried speed a few times."
Personal Issues Girl: "Oooohhh, I love that stuff. It's my favorite."

Then, annoying coworker from other department went on to talk about how she thinks her neighbor was cooking meth all the time. Personal Issues Girl described in semi-full detail on how to make meth. She asked about the smell and confirmed that the neighbors were doing what Annoying Coworker from the other department thought they were doing.

Hence the name, Personal Issues Girl.

And it annoyed me very much.


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