Trying to look busy...

Monday, August 22, 2005

Things I did at work today...

1) Asked everybody that I saw in the hallways, 'Hey, did you see the mouse?'
2) Watched amused as middle aged women scampered down the middle of the hallway as fast as they could scamper.
3) I find it interesting that, to keep me busy, people hand me things to do for them that only take about 2 minutes when they are on their way back to their desks after standing around talking at someone else's desk for 20 minutes.
4) Laughed at people when they got so excited when someone brought in some Snickers Minis.
5) Took a nap while everyone else was in a meeting.
6) Wondered if those spam faxes ever work.
7) Coworker was late again - I ate a whole bunch of her Snickers Minis.


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