Trying to look busy...

Friday, March 31, 2006

Things I did at work today.

* Wandered around the halls looking for loose change that might have fallen out of somebodys pockets.
* Took a 3 hour break to revive myself from a post-tramatic stress incident. (traffic)
* Let a noisy cricket loose under a co-workers desk just for the hell of it.
* Measured the "dust-blanket" on my desk behind my monitor at 1/2".
* Continued to Ask Jeeves why he sucks but didn't get the desired results.
* Laughed out loud when someone did a reply to all on an email that was sent company-wide.
* Tried to think of a way to get back at people who leave my name and extension on their voice mail or email auto responders. (Stupid stupid stupid! Don't tell them who I am. There's a "customer service" number that I or the Rubber Clocker answers that you should give instead. Dumbutt. And don't give my last name, gah!) Any ideas let me know.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Do this!

I had so much fun over at crazy Spinning Girl's blog writing fake spam comments that I wanted to start my own "fake spam" post.

By reading this line, you are hearby required to post a fake spam comment to this (and only this) post. (So ha!)

Have fun and make it funny!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Aw crap!

Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm back!

I'm back from my wonderful vacation. I saw alligators, a wild pig, got my picture taken at the southern most point in the lower 48, played golf in March, swam in the Gulf, got tan on most of my body, sunburnt my ears, went to a giant flea market and did other "vacation" things.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm leaving!

Well, not for good... I'm going on a much deserved vacation! I've been working so hard and I need a break, so I'm packing up the family and driving to Florida, Clark Griswold style. We're going to play in the ocean, search for sea shells by the sea shore, chase some alligators, try to speak some mexican to the cubans and try to avoid all the little old grandmas and grandpas driving 80 down the freeway.
You'll know on the 20th if I decided to come back or not...

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Prison Cell Phone

Trying to look busy press
"Prison Cell Phone"

Blogosphere 3/1/06
Story by Lookingbusy

Technology has made our lives better in many ways. The instant communication possible through the use of cell phones and other related technology has increased the efficiency of business and personal life alike. But are we taking it too far? Are we becoming enslaved to high tech gadgets?

Stare at the little "Wacky Quote" box in my sidebar long enough and you will see the phrase "Cell phones? Since when do they give prisoners phones? --lookingbusy" That's kind of a play on words... cell... prisoner cell...
"I smelled just like big smelly guy"

But think about it a little bit. Isn't that sentence profound? Are people with cell phones prisoners?

A local blogger, Dam Assta, claims to use over 5000 text messages per month on her cell phone. 5000!

"I smelled just like big smelly guy," claimed Ms. Assta about the way she feels after a text messaging marathon.

There are some who still have not caught on to the text message craze and I applaud them.

BULL, a blogger from music city had this to say, "5,000 text messages? That's a lot! I think I used about 0 text messages last month/year."

Another local blogger, Gettin G There says, "I simply don't get it. I just don't get the whole concept of it. Maybe because none of the people in my immediate circle have one of these things, so it would be boring for me to be set up with one."

Mr. There does not own a cell phone. He still enjoys the simpler life and not being held captive by technology.

"It still is interesting 'dropping in' on people I know. I can see some of the draw. I guess it all goes back to the fact that we are pack animals. Whatever the masses do, we automatically go along. I'll sit on the sidelines and watch."

It's true what There says, about how Americans tend to "Go along with the pack." Perhaps you'll think twice the next time you reach for your cell phone.

So tell me, has your cell phone turned you into a prisoner?